NASA has stated on its website that the bridge´s unique curvature and composition by age suggests that it may be man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago.
This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in Treta Yuga (more than 1,700,000 years ago).
In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Srilankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme. The bridge known as 'Ram Setu' was used to transport the monkey army of Rama to Lanka.
This information may not be of much importance to the archeologists who are interested in exploring the origins of man, but it is sure to open the spiritual gates of the people of the world to have come to know an ancient history linked to the Indian mythology. It may also reveal the secret as to how such a long bridge over the Ocean was created in what is supposed to be Primitive times compared to the present.

Picture taken of stones kept in a temple at Ahmedabad in Gujarat. These stones weigh more than 2.5 kg but still float on water and have been supposedly a part of 'Ram Setu'.

Picture taken of stones kept in a temple at Ahmedabad in Gujarat. These stones weigh more than 2.5 kg but still float on water and have been supposedly a part of 'Ram Setu'.
is it possible na ........true must ........ if setu is there then obviously god Ram had take birth in india...
Similar stone was also kept at Panchavati Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple near Pondycherry. The stone weighs about 14 kg and still floats in Water.
same stone i saw in pachmarhi Madhya pradesh
If you never seen to anything or anybody in your life it means that thing or that persion is only hypothitical;it is not true.Today science have only carbon dating technology for study of unknown things but it is not sufficient,we should develop our science more than this technology.
I have read in some news that in Maharashtra (Vidarbha Region) some stones of this kind are found during a excavation.
-Vivek Vatve
ya .......... its real
so what a big deal ,A man with 50 kg weight can even float on water
NITESH MAHALE: in simple words, you are an IDIOT !
when a man of 100kg also floats and when a stone of few gram doest not float it tells principles of physics nothing more. When a stone of 14 kg Floats try to understand physocs.
The dating of the stones in the bridge can go back to Treta Yug as described but the concept of it being man-made is hard to digest. The engineering skills needed to build such a massive bridge could not have existed in the stone age. In India for simple river crossings we had to wait for the British to come build bridges for us from 18th cent. onwards. The floating stone theory is a hogwash. There could be stones which float but they are very few and sparse. Finding similar material and carting the same to span 30 km stretch seems rather impossible. The natural bridges under water are called dykes and this is probably one of them.
In Maharashtra the bricks of an ancient temple float on water. This is because they added some straw to the raw clay before firing in the kiln. This straw burn leaving some holes in the texture. This gave the bricks the required buoyancy for floating. In the last century numerous efforts were made world wide to simulate these bricks but have failed.
you better go and lick the britishers'...........*********. if you accept the superiority of some idiots who came to our country for the sake of merchentize, you can kick your mothers's breast and can feed on their********. The open fact known to the world that Columbus found America accidentally while he has set over a voyage to discover INDIA. If INDIA is such a country living in the darkness till the arrival of the british, the person namely VASCO-DA -GAMA would not be such famous . And you better know about the land upon which you stood, then try to licks some idiots' asss. If the building of bridges was known to the British only,i.e all the technology, the world would be at their feet, let us be asamed of our co-asian countries, who won't bow their head to any western idiot.........BE asamed of urself , first know about ur home and then go out to evaluate others.It's very silly that , we look at the neighbours and we comment on our own home....... foolish things ever lasts
It was made coz the rama got angry and was going to dry the ocean from its burning arrow so the ocean king got frighten and talked to rama that u can right rama and setu on the stone than the stone start's floting and u can go through it and when u will reach there and complet their work and come back it will leep floting then they started rubbing rama setu from the stone so it went deep inside
spring in een rivier dan wil ik zien of je in leven bent of niet (zonder zwemles)
The findings of NASA do not confirm of manmade or natural structure. They revealed only bridge like structure underneath sea level. It may be a mountairian island submerged in sea due to continuous global warming.
The god exists in nature, but not in selfish personalities like Rama, Shiva, Ganesh, etc--etc, who always thought of themselves & their families(wife & children) only.
Then what difference remains between them & us? We also have families like Rama, shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh etc and we also think of them only.
The True God does not distinguish himself from us.
yes the people who argue with a fool is also an idiot .if we go by this logic then everyone arguing with you is an idot
A man can float because he has thinking power, he is a living thing but d stone is non living thing so how does it happens? Its only due to shri ram and his army .....
i think it is a miracle of god!!!
This is pure science and common sense. Air is trapped inside the rock, hence it floats. Lord Rama used his common sense and applied it. If this bridge was built by some semitic prophet then the whole bridge would have been considered as a miracle. You cannot find any superstitious belief system in Ramayana.
the nala who constructed this bridge is a great civil engineer and geologist
Ram thae ram hain ram raheingein that is common truth for everybody.
that is due to the inter connected porosity of stones... great engineers in those days...
Mr. Udayan,
as i read ur comment yo know the science. so, can you make the bricks like this?
something science can not explain.
Dear Indologist,
I request you to Please Visit Ancient Temples of India personally if u really need to be an Indologist..
Tc n Study hard..
Best of Luck...
one of such stone is at Alakhnath Temple, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India
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